How do you protect your home WiFi Network?
- By Bartlomiej Paluch
- 5 years ago
If we went back a nice few years, we would see our home wireless networks that were quite simple. One connection point and one, up to two computers connected to it. But in recent years, home WiFi has become increasingly important to us. Today we connect a lot of different devices to it. From smartphones and tablets to televisions or even temperature controllers. And imagination can suggest much more equipment. Therefore, it is even more important to properly secure your home WiFi network. Let’s look at how to do it.
WiFi, or what?
Even if there are still people among us who connect to the network using a cable, we most often use wireless connections, i.e. WiFi. It is a much more practical solution than using the entire “spider web” of cable connections.
As a rule, your home network is governed by a router. It can be a device with a built-in modem received from an Internet service provider or a separate router that you purchased, which is later connected to the modem. Regardless of what solution you use, the network works in the same way, i.e. via wireless signal sending. Your devices connect to the wireless network and thus you can access the internet in them.
It is extremely important to do it safely. Much more is said about security in public, open WiFi networks, where sending important information involves a very high risk. Nobody wants his passwords to get into the wrong hands, for example, for e-mail, social networking, and even more so banking services. Hence, experts recommend using security in public networks to protect your information, such as VPNs. This is called “virtual private network”, that is, real protection of our data sent when connecting to individual pages. The VPN encrypts them and prevents anyone who should not have access to them. In a public wireless network, sending your vital information without any security is a bit like leaving the house and leaving the door open. We can count on the fact that nobody will take the opportunity, but it’s better to close the door. On the Internet, VPN “closes the door” and it has two locks that are very difficult to cross.
But danger is waiting for our important data not only in public networks. We often forget to additionally protect them also in our own home network, where also as a “protective shield” VPN will be perfect. In this case, it is an additional level of protection in addition to the password we use to secure the network. In addition to using a VPN, there are many other options for protecting your home WiFi network. Here they are:
You can configure your network settings through an administrator account. Make sure you change the WiFi password in it. Routers and modems are often supplied with a very weak password that is easy to “crack”. Therefore, they should be changed as soon as possible after receiving the device to a unique, strong password that will securely access the network.
“Strong” in this case means one that is difficult to break. There are a few basic rules for creating passwords that apply to all places on the internet. Use rather long passwords with a variety of characters (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special characters), avoid names (own, children, husband, wife, etc.) and common words. One of the basic rules of network security says that passwords should be changed regularly and this applies not only to WiFi.
When setting up your home network, be sure to activate WPA2 encryption protocol. This is a guarantee that your connections will be encrypted and that no outsiders will be able to use them. Active WPA2 means that anyone who wants to connect to your network must know the password for it.
Each network has a standard name set, so-called SSID. This is the name that the device searches for when connecting to WiFi. Make sure that it does not disclose any personal data that may be useful to someone conducting a possible Internet attack.
By setting up a guest network, you will allow your home visitors to use a WiFi connection, but without access to devices connected to your main network. Just like in the case of the basic network, the guest network should have its name, WPA2 encryption and a separate password.
WPS is the ability to connect to the network without having to enter a password or configure the connection. For safety it’s better to turn it off. The WPS start and stop button is usually located on the router.
In addition, remember that not only the network must be completely secure, but also the devices that connect to it. It is known that every chain is as strong as its weakest link. So remember the basic safety rules when using your devices:
- always update the operating system, browser and all software, because in new versions their producers contain solutions to previously emerging security holes
- choose unique, strong passwords, exactly according to the same rules as for networks
- remember to have different passwords on different devices
- avoid clicking on suspicious links and opening attachments from unknown sources, use antivirus programs that protect your devices against known viruses
These are basic tips that will make your Internet connection in a wireless home network safer. It is worth using all the simple solutions available on the network or on devices, and additionally secure your data using VPN connections, which will guarantee us security reliably.
Browser schneller als Chrome, blockiert Werbung automatisch – Brave Browser
- By Bartlomiej Paluch
- 5 years ago
Brave Browser ist ein moderner und kostenloser Webbrowser, der sicher ist, Werbeanzeigen blockiert und schneller ist als Chrome. Wie das möglich ist?
Gibt es einen schnelleren Browser als Chrome? Was ist der schnellste Browser? Die Antwort auf alle Fragen ist der Brave Browser, der ein chrombasierter Browser ist (es ist der gleiche Motor mit dem Google Chrome arbeitet), so dass die Seiten so schnell wie in Chrome geladen werden. Jedoch, hat Brave zusätzliche Vorteile, durch das automatische Entfernen von Werbenzeigen und Tracking-Skripten laden die Seiten in diesem Browser schneller und Brave schützt Ihre Privatsphäre.
Brave kann von der offiziellen Website heruntergeladen werden – hier klicken zum Herunterladen. Der Browser ist für nahezu alle gängigen Betriebssysteme verfügbar: Windows, Android, IOS, Linux, Mac OS. Es ist erwähnenswert, dass Brave Browser völlig kostenlos ist.

- Brave lädt Seiten viel schneller als Chrome, Opera, Firefox, etc.
- Es hat einen eingebauten Torrent-Netzwerk-Client.
- Es verfügt über ein integriertes AD-Blocker-Plug-in und Pop-up Blocker
- Es verfügt über einen integrierten Mechanismus zum Blockieren von Skripten und Cookies zum Nachverfolgen von Benutzern
- Hat die Möglichkeit des integrierten Gleisnetzes im Inkognito-Modus
- Ermöglicht Geld zu verdienen durch anschauen von Werbeanzeigen (derzeit ist die Funktion nur u.a. in Deutschland enthalten, in Polen noch nicht)
- Synchronisation (Beta-Version), die die Möglichkeit ist, Daten einfach zwischen Geräten zu übertragen
- Leitet den Datenverkehr automatisch an das sichere SSL-verschlüsselte Protokoll um

How to save money at a young age? Ways to collect the necessary cash!
- By Bartlomiej Paluch
- 5 years ago
There are many ways to save. Young people value financial independence, which is why they also expect a lot from a potential employer during job interviews. There is no way to get the lowest national. If we live in a smaller city and are unable to find a well-paid job, then how can we save extra money for the future?
Young people deciding to start a new job pick up the best offers available on the market. Each of us wants to work in a reputable company, where they can get a decent payment, from which they can save some savings for the future. A good, stable job is the first of the ways we can get extra cash. Some companies also offer their employees additional bonuses for completing specific plans, or money vouchers for well-done work and loyalty. There are many opportunities to get extra cash. Fortunately, we don’t have to look far.
If we have unpaid bills, because we took out a loan or took, for example, home electronics and household appliances in installments in a computer hardware store, we may encounter additional costs and commissions. It is worth settling all arrears within the prescribed period, which can be found without any problems on the signed contract. Often, however, we forget about small expenses, but the lack of repayment on time can cause that they will become quite high and it will be difficult for us to regulate them. Moreover, if we are dealing with financial institutions, we can expect high interest rates. Non-bank companies and the bank enter debtors’ data into the databases of indebted persons. As a result of entering into the Credit Information Bureau, Economic Information Bureau or the National Debt Register in the future, you may be denied another loan or credit. Let us remember that we can never predict when we will really need to incur additional cash. Loans can be obtained for any purpose, which is a big plus for young people.
Another interesting solution to save extra money is to set up a savings account or a bank deposit. It is worth searching all offers and choosing the one best suited to our needs and possibilities. If the savings account has a high interest rate, we can count on the flow of more cash. Having a savings account does not require high fees. The regularity of transferring money to a bank account is important. It is also difficult to choose money from your account. Sometimes this requires you to be at the nearest bank branch, making it more likely that your money will be unaffected.
A good way to save money is to go shopping with a previously prepared list of things we need to buy for our apartment. It is important to think about what we really lack and buy only those things that we wrote on the paper. Otherwise, a common case is senseless circulation around the store and choosing products that are certainly not so necessary in our everyday lives. This rule applies, for example, to food, home accessories or clothing. Pay attention to the food basket. We often overpay when shopping for food, where, unfortunately, it ends up in throwing most of the food into the bin. We also take care of our environment thanks to thoughtful purchases.
If we are interested in saving extra money, we may consider limiting the spending of cash on meals consumed in restaurants. When preparing dinners at home, we can save a lot of cash. Of course, it’s worth to go out from time to time with friends or family and eat dinner together.
If you have a driving license and use a car every day, you should switch to economical driving. You can also arrange a trip to work with your friends. In addition, pay attention whether you are parking in an allowed place. The fines are the last thing that can lead us to save extra cash. On warm days, instead of getting in the car, it’s worth thinking about coming to work by bike. Of course, if we live relatively close to our office. You can also think about public transport. Public transport is relatively cheap, which allows us to save extra cash.
Verifying product prices in various online stores has become quite popular nowadays. We can easily do it via comparison websites. We are able to check the prices of both financial and non-financial products. By finding a cheap product, we can save from a few to several dollars. Also comparison websites help us find a product suited to our needs. We are able to find, in one place, the opinions of former customers, i.e. people who had the opportunity to test or try the product. In addition, we also see opinions about a given brand. And as you know, if a company has a reputation, it is more eagerly chosen by customers.
Browser faster than chrome, automatically blocking advertisements – Brave Browser
- By Bartlomiej Paluch
- 5 years ago
Brave Browser is a modern and free web browser that is secure, blocks advertising and is faster than chrome. How is it possible?
Is there a faster browser than chrome? What is the fastest browser? The answer to all your questions is Brave Browser, which is a chromium-based browser (so it’s the same engine that Google Chrome works with), so the pages load as fast as the chrome. However, brave has additional advantages – by automatically removing ads and tracking scripts, the sites in this browser load faster and most importantly, no one follows us, so we gain more privacy.
Where to download Brave from?
Brave can be downloaded from the official website – click here to download. The browser is available on virtually all commonly available operating systems: Windows, Android, IOS, Linux, Mac OS. It is worth mentioning that Brave Browser is fully free of charge.

Why Brave?
- Brave loads pages much faster than Chrome, Opera, Firefox, etc.
- It has a built-in torrent network client
- Includes a built-in plug to block advertising and pop-up windows
- It has a built-in mechanism to block scripts and cookies for tracking users
- It has a built-in track network option in incognito mode
- Enables you to earn money by watching ads on websites
- Synchronization (Beta version), i.e. the ability to easily transfer data between devices
- Automatically redirects traffic to a secure SSL encrypted protoco