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How To Rank Up In CSGO?

Are you bored of playing in low rank? Do you finally want to leave silver and gold and get the coveted Global Elite? How does the rank system work? What do you need to do to reach a higher rank in CSGO?

All ranks in CSGO

If we want to advance to a higher rank, it is worth getting to know all their types! Here is a list of all current ranks in CSGO tournament mode:

CSGO rank list

lista rang csgo

The first rank means that our rank has expired due to the lack of playing in tournament matches, for it to return it is enough if we win or draw the match in this mode. The second is the total lack of rank, displayed in the event that we have not yet won 10 tournament matches. Other ranks are standard: From Silver 1 to Global Elite.

How to rank up in CSGO?

Training and warm-up
It is worth to warm up before starting the game. Pro players warm up and train for hours before the match, so why not include it in your schedule? We can train on special aim maps, death matches or on community servers. There are plenty of options, but if you have little time it is worth at least to fire a 10-minute death match and warm up using basic weapons.

Play as a team

Playing with friends who have similar or higher ranks is much easier to win the match. It’s about communication. The problem of randomly selected players in a tournament match is the lack of information about the opponent’s position. Playing “five” is easier to provide info or to devise a tactic for entering BS.

Get more MVP

It is not entirely clear if this theory is one hundred percent effective, but it is very likely. It’s about getting more so-called stars. We can get them for planting and exploding the bomb, disarming it or killing most of the opponents. It’s easiest to plant bombs, of course. Apparently, a large amount of MVP gives more “ELO” points so we can advance faster.

Learn maps

It’s difficult to reach a higher level knowing only one map. Expand your knowledge of other maps, play bot matches on them, simplified, learn the positions on these maps to give correct info to players from your team. Also learn at least basic grenades so that your opponents are surprised by them.

Watch Pro players matches

Pro players often playing at large tournaments use unique games and ways of throwing grants and arranging themselves for BSs. Such plays are easy to uncheck by listening to commentators and analyzing the plays of individual teams. An interesting source of information are players’ POVs or matches with the team’s teamspeak instead of the commentator. They can be found on YouTube.

Commands and settings

You should also learn about custom commands and settings that can improve our game, increase FPS in CSGO, and help with throwing grenades. These guides can be found on our website in the category CSGO -> Guides.


Train, watch and, above all, think! Nothing will come for free, and pro players played and trained for hours before entering the highest level. Just don’t give up and play better and better!

How to Show FPS in CSGO

The game has started to stutter and lag, and you don’t even know how many FPS you have? In this short guide you will learn how to check the number of FPS in CS: GO and what is the fps command in csgo! Many beginners don’t know how to do it, and it’s quite easy!

CS GO show fps

There are two easy ways to check your frames per second in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive:

  1. Command in the console with the table

This is the first and also the easiest way to check the number of frames per second in the game – just enable access to the console in the settings.

And then click the tilde button ~ (Button on the keyboard above TAB and under ESC) and enter the command:

net_graph 1

To turn off the FPS count counter, just open the console again and enter the command:

net_graph 0
The table displayed in addition to the amount of fps also displays a lot of useful information such as var, loss, choke, server tick, sv, and internet ping.

There is also a command that displays only the amount of fps – cl_showfps 1 if we want to enable the amount of fps and cl_showfps 0 if we want to disable. FPS in this command is shown in the upper left corner and has the advantage that it does not bother us during the game, but displays information only about frames per second:

Source 2 and 128-tick servers may appear on May 18 in CS GO!

The CS:GO community has long been awaiting an update that will introduce Source 2, the new Valve engine and 128 tickrate server. According to information received by reddito users, a note about Source 2 appeared on weibo.

Source 2 CSGO

Weibo is a Chinese microblogging site, is one of the largest social media platforms in China. The official profile of the B5 platform (something like faceit in China) published information about the new registration in May, but after May 18, as Source 2 will probably appear then.

New registration function will also finish by May, however due to Source 2 probably coming up on May 18th, so everything is up to the pace of the release of Source 2 update, battle platform server will also need to adjust as well

B5 Weibo
Original B5 post on Weibo

CSGO update

Files related to the new Source 2 engine in the game have been appearing for a long time and not only in CSGO. In one of the updates in Dota (which already has a Source 2 engine) in February there was an entry:

Source 2 CSGO

Source 2 is getting closer and we can expect this update anytime soon! It is not known whether game mechanics and textures will change. Source 2 will probably only be available in the beta for a long time.

Bind to clean blood in CS:GO

You’ve probably had so many times that blood or bullet marks obstructed your enemy or confused FPS and general visibility on the map. In this guide, I will show you the command to clean blood and bullets, and examples of binds that you can use in the game. Check how you can clear decals csgo.

Command to remove blood and bullet marks

The command to clean the blood is: r_cleardecals, just type it in the console to remove blood from the map.

Bind for blood cleaning

The first bind that removes blood when you press shift or ctrl:

bind "shift" "+ speed; r_cleardecals;" bind "Ctrl" "+ duck; r_cleardecals;"

Clear blood csgo

This bind allows you to clean the map when reloading weapons:

bind "R" "+ reload; r_cleardecals"

CSGO clear decals Bind can be entered in the console, in the startup settings, or in our configuration file (cfg).

Useful sv_cheats 1 commands in CS: GO!

You’ve probably heard about the magical sv_cheats 1 command, which allows you to run e.g. wh in CS: GO. In this guide I will introduce you to most of the sv_cheats commands, which are useful for playing with friends or training aima.

Useful sv_cheats commands

Remember that you can enter the sv_cheats 1 command only on the local server or on the private server where you have access to rcon. Just start the training server with bots.

Wallhack Command CSGO

Wallhack means that you can see other players through the walls. There are several commands that enable this option:

r_drawothermodels 2 – Basic and best known command on WH in CSGO. The default value is 1 (no wh). It can be 0, 1 or 2.

enable_skeleton_draw 1 – This will render all players ‘skeleton’, giving you the opportunity to see ‘skeletons’ through the walls. The default value is 0. It can be 0 or 1.

mat_wireframe 2 – works very much like the first command. The difference is that this command renders more details of the player’s skeleton. The default value is 0. It can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4.

mat_proxy 2 – This is more like a traditional wallhack. You’ll be able to see players through some walls and objects, but your screen will sometimes be very bright, so it’s not so useful. The default value is 0. It can be 0, 1, 2 or 3.


Commands for flying and immortality in CSGO

These commands work like the classic codes that can be found in a computer game. It gives you invincibility, infinite ammo and the ability to move around objects.

god – “god” mode. It gives you immortality. Re-type to disable it.

sv_infinite_ammo 1 – Gives you infinite ammo for all your weapons. The default value is 0. It can be 0, 1 or 2, which will give you different degrees of infinite ammunition.

0: no infinite ammo
1: infinite ammo with infinite magazine size (no need to reload)
2: unlimited ammo, but limited magazine size (need to reload)

noclip – The mode of flying and moving on the walls. Re-type to disable.

thirdperson – Typing a third person in the console menu will change the view from first person to third. To return to the first-person view, enter “firstperson” in the console.

r_drawparticles 0 – Cheat / “no smoke” command. Using this command will hide particles, including smoke from smoke grenades, unless you are standing directly in the smoke.
The default value is 1. It can be 0 or 1.

fog_override 1 – “no fog” command. When you zoom in on a sniper rifle, the image will be a little hazy. When this command is active, you will have a clear image even when zoomed in. After using fog_override 1, you should use fog_enable 0 to completely turn off fog.

fog_enable 0 – Disable fog – see previous command. The default value is 1. It can be 0 or 1.

fogui – This will open an interactive user interface (UI) that you can play with fog settings. You can reduce and increase the fog, and even change the color of the fog.

host_timescale [value] – “speedhack” command replace [value] with any value. This will not only speed up you, but will change the speed / time scale of the entire server, making everyone look super fast or slow. The default is 0. Higher values ​​will make you move faster, and lower values ​​will make you move more slowly. Example values ​​Acceleration: host_timescale 5 Slow motion: host_timescale 0.5

host_framerate [value] – Another speedhack command, replace [value] with any value. This works by blocking frames per second, which in turn will make the game accelerate / bloom. The default value is 0 (disabled). If you set host_framerate to 500, you will see that your in-game FPS counter is locked to 500 FPS, while you don’t really get 500 FPS, your game moves will be slower. Higher values ​​= slower. Lower values ​​= faster. Example Speedhack values: host_framerate 50 Slow motion: host_framerate 500

sv_consistency 0 – Bypass consistency. This command enables / disables whether the server enforces file consistency for critical files. The default value is 0.

sv_showimpacts 1 – Shows all arrows, bullet and grenade paths. The default value is 0. It can be 0 or 1.

cl_pitchup 900 – Unlock maximum crosshair. 900 can be replaced with any value. This is the amount you can move up. If you set it to 900, you can move up as much as you like until you turn around and you are upside down. The default value is 89.

cl_pitchdown 900 – Unlock maximum crosshair. Opposite cl_pitchup. The default value is 89.

snd_show 1
snd_visualize 1
: ESP sound commands. Displays various information about the sounds in the game. The default value is 0.

cl_leveloverview 2 – This command will show the entire map in advance. However, this command can sometimes be incorrect and sometimes works. The default value is 0. The values can be 0, 1 or 2.

CSGO rendering commands

mat_fullbright 3 – Fullbright command. At the highest value, the walls and models will be smooth and bright. The default value is 0. It can be 0, 1, 2 or 3.

mat_fillrate 1 – This is a “no flash” command, sometimes called “Asus wallhack”. When this option is on, the screen will not be brightened when it is flashed by a flash grenade. The default value is 0 (off). It can be 0 or 1.

r_showenvcubemap 1 – When this command is enabled, all models and weapons will look like they have a chrome finish. The default value is 0. It can be 0 or 1.

mat_showlowresimage 1 – Minecraft mode. This command will enable extremely low resolution, making the walls and surroundings look like Minecraft. The default value is 0. It can be 0 or 1.

The command to throw the knife: mp_drop_knife_enable 1. The default value is 0 (knife throwing disabled).

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